Monday, September 21, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Apology? from Kanye West to Tayor Swift?

Let's get funky and break it down!!
Black= Apology by Kanye "Artistic AND musical Genius" West

"I'M SOOOOO SORRY TO TAYLOR SWIFT AND HER FANS AND HER MOM. (way to show how dumb you really are with bad grammar in the first sentence) I SPOKE TO HER MOTHER RIGHT AFTER AND SHE SAID THE SAME THING MY MOTHER WOULD'VE SAID. SHE IS VERY TALENTED! (pulled the "my mom is dead I hope this gets me out of this" and the P.S. this is all about ME so I need to link back to ME ME ME !) I LIKE THE LYRICS ABOUT BEING A CHEERLEADER AND SHE'S IN THE BLEACHERS! …………………… (hmmm can't find the sincerity in that sentence can you??? I found the sarcasm though! How nice of you, Kanye to throw Taylor a bone! You fast forwarded through her song until you found a line to repeat like a parrot. Can you tell us why you like this line? or are we all supposed to bow down to you as we accept this bone, as YOU, KANYE WEST THE GREAT took the time to write this???) II'M IN THE WRONG FOR GOING ON STAGE AND TAKING AWAY FROM HER MOMENT!…… ( Though I am about to do it again in 3.......2.......1)……….. BEYONCE'S VIDEO WAS THE BEST OF THIS DECADE!!!! (so what is the point of this "apology"? oh yea. to remind everyone that only kanye west knows what is the hot shit and we should listen to him again, just in case ONE person missed it) I'M SORRY TO MY FANS IF I LET YOU GUYS DOWN!!!! (no comment thats just too easy)I'M SORRY TO MY FRIENDS AT MTV.(obviously they are your only friends, as they let you up you douchebaggery every year, If you had any real friends they would shut your pie hole for your own sake.) I WILL APOLOGIZE TO TAYLOR 2MRW. (no worries whenever you find the time to slither off your throne. No need to rush kanye I am sure Tayor like the rest of the world knows just how time consuming it is to be a REAL deep artist like yourself.)WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!!!! (Oh thanks kanye for the invite to the real world......though I have been living here, but where have you been????) EVERYBODY WANNA BOOOOO ME BUT I'M A FAN OF REAL POP CULTURE!!!(ohhhhhhh! taylor isn't and you are? thought you were in the same boat. thanks for clearing up) NO DISRESPECT (NO NONE AT ALL TAKEN, kanye) BUT WE WATCHIN' THE SHOW AT THE CRIB RIGHT NOW CAUSE … WELL YOU KNOW!!!! I'M STILL HAPPY FOR TAYLOR!!!! BOOOYAAAWWWW!!!! YOU ARE VERY VERY TALENTED!!! I GAVE MY AWARDS TO OUTKAST WHEN THEY DESERVED IT OVER ME… THAT'S WHAT IT IS!!!!!!!(WOW That's so chivalrous of you kanye to give your award up like that! And to think you wanted noting, but endless attention in return!! You are just so selfless. You really let me down last night.... you could have been more of the self-sacrificing humanitarian you are and snatched the award out of Taylor's hands and run it down to Beyonce. Though I understand doing good all the time is draining and you just might have not been up to it that night. I will let this one slide ) I'M NOT CRAZY YALL, I'M JUST REAL. SORRY FOR THAT!!! I REALLY FEEL BAD FOR TAYLOR AND I'M SINCERELY SORRY!!! MUCH RESPECT!!!!! (These last few lines are actually appropriate and nice too bad they are lost in verbal diarrhea that precedes them)

Click here to see humanitarian and deep artist, Kayne preparing for the MTV AWARDS.

Aw, Kanye we call tell by the swelling of the muscles in your arm and the full hand grip you want this waaay more than Taylor. She being the nice girl she is sees you need it more and gives it up.

DOUCHEBAGGERY at it's best-Amber rose needs to find a way to control her little pest problem

I like to sit back and let Kanye do all the work.

WOW oh WOW. Boy was he working hard for me last night!!!

I don't particularly love Taylor Swift or her music, but she has the sweetest and most humble disposition. And not just for a celebrity. For being only 19 she presents herself as a classy, humble and genuine girl. I don't know HOW stupid Kayne is anymore. He is dumber than I ever imagined. Of all people to take a shit on- on live TV, I wouldn't have picked Taylor Swift. No, and for a self named genius- he missed this one big time! She is a girl who everyone loves and everyone wants to see do well. Kayne is the man everyone wants to vomit on as soon as he opens his mouth. Kayne also has a delusional self awareness thinking he has the right to shit on her, and that people care what HE rates as the number one video of the year. The last thing I would like or buy is something Kayne rates as number one in his manic mind. Beyonce seems to know this by the look o her face when they pan to her.

I looked up both Beyonce's and Taylor's videos. I have to say Taylor's is pretty cheesy, but Beyonce's was nothing special either. Kanye freaking out at the MTV awards when a teenager with a pop song wins, on the channel I watched pop on as a teenager is just DOUCHEBAGGERY at it's best, by Kanye-the-chipmunk-face-west! Keep it up Kanye, I was just beginning to think you were normal and was going to close my blog.