Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Do I Hate Kanye West? Let me tell you....

So, here's the deal, in my car stereo only the FM RADIO works. I have come to terms with it and now enjoy listening to the Radio more than spending money on a new stereo. Life is fine and the $99 dollars saved feels good every time I drive.....

UNTIL only commercials are on and only one station is playing a song, a KAYNE WEST SONG. And it seems to be that way A LOT. I am beginning to think that is how his label gets people to listen to him. I will listen to ANY crappy song besides commercials, but have found I cannot and will not listen to KAYNE scratch a thousand chalk boards at once while his ego oozes out of his songs and into my car.

And I can, will listen to dare I say like a lot of crap...I am pretty open minded and not a pretentious music snob at all (like most "hipsters" these days). I don't roll with what's the hip band to be into. Or try and deliver a history of music to whoever will listen in an attempt to prove I am cool. I like what I like and it surprises me all the time. Often what I like should technically be embarrassing...if you follow the cool-dar. I like songs that remind me of a fun periods in my life or music that sounds nice. I am a visual person so annoying and loud noises bother me more than most. So for a while I kept my hate for Kanye on the inside, until more and more people got off the gold digger high and started to openly hate him too.

Well anyways this morning it happened as soon as I got in the car.
Commercials, Commercials, Heartbreaker.

The sad thing was I was feeling good this morning about it. It's a game a play with myself. Will a sweet song be playing when I hop in my car?? Last night I when I hopped in, Step Back You're Dancing Kind of Close was playing. Score 1 for me! It reminds me of bar hoping freshman year of college. See no real rhyme or rhythm to what I like. It was playing and it made me smile, want to dance and didn't hurt my ears

So this morning when I realized it was commercial or Kayne I gave him one last chance. But. after about a minute, I barfed a little in my throat and decided there must be a million, no a trillion plus one reasons why KAYNE makes me gag (and so many others too). So I started a blog to count the ways.....

Because I am not even so sure as to why he makes my skin crawl and my gag reflexes loosen at his sight or noise.

and so here it goes.....the journey begins....lets count the ways

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